APMS Morning Announcements!


Good Morning Panthers! These are your announcements for Monday, September 9th, 2024. 


Get fired up Panthers because this week is all about PBIS!! We can’t wait to teach you about how to RULE at APMS!! Stay tuned for lots of exciting information and opportunities to show Respect, Understanding, Leadership, and Empathy at APMS! 

The focus for today is Respect. Your science teachers will be talking about how you can show Respect at APMS. Be sure to show as much respect as possible, and you might even earn a Panther Buck today!


Attention 8th grade NJHS students, please join the NEW NJHS google classroom page. Mrs. Aicher invited all current NJHS students to the page so all you have to do is join. You will find announcements and information there for this school year!


Robotic students will be collecting any unopened food items during lunch and breakfast in the cafeteria. There is a box in the cafeteria where you can place your food. All food is donated to a local homeless shelter. 


Please remember the school’s dress code. Students may not wear midriff shirts, cheer/bike or other "short" shorts, sandals without socks, spaghetti straps, sleeveless or other tank tops. 


This is a reminder that cell phones are to remain in students' lockers throughout the school day. They may only be checked in between classes while a student is at their locker.


Homework station starts today! If you need some extra help or a quiet place to work you can visit Homework station. The schedule for 1st quarter is: 

  • Mondays and Wednesdays are in room 104 with Ms. Kinsey,
  • Tuesdays are in room 201 with Mrs. Martin, 
  • Thursdays are in room 209 with Ms. Mohney


Athletic Update: 

  • The football team plays their first game on Wednesday against Southgate. 
  • The cross country team has a meet on Saturday at Davisburg. 
  • Good luck to all our student athletes! 


Here’s the joke of the day: 

How did the barber win the race?

He knew a short-cut!


Those are your announcements for today. Be sure to Have a great day and don’t forget to RULE!